Divorce Related Therapy

Therapy in Bethesda, MD and Rochester, NY

When you are considering divorce, in the midst of divorce, or post divorce, it can be helpful to have a neutral third party involved to provide a safe space to help you work together to make decisions about yourselves and your children, and to prevent or decrease ongoing conflict. It is possible in the midst of divorce to let your emotions take over and to lose sight of what is best for your children. Research tells us that children will cope best with divorce if they have positive ongoing relationships with both parents and if they are kept out of ongoing conflict between their parents.

I work with divorcing or divorced parents to focus on the needs of your children. Determining what to tell your children, how to help them with transitions, and how to create a developmentally appropriate parenting plan can be some of the topics that may occur during divorce related counseling. Getting help early in the midst of the separation process may help keep anxieties from taking over and help couples avoid ongoing legal battles. Or, seeking counseling after months or years of legal battles may help change the cycle of conflict.

An excellent resource to read if you are a parent contemplating divorce or in the midst of divorce is Putting Children First by Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll. 

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9:00 am-5:00 pm



